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About Us

This is a unique program that Westminster High offers students. The program operates year-round on 8 acres of land. We are almost completely self supporting with much of the funding coming from the many projects available for the students.

Students can have SAE (supervised agriculture experience) projects which includes either animals, plants, and/or mechanic projects. Students are required to care for and maintain records on their projects. These projects help benefit students in expanding their knowledge of agriculture and the ability to make money.


By being in the program, students are also a part of the FFA, Future Farmers of America. The FFA is an organization where students can get together and compete in many competitions, such as speaking contests, sport events, or judging competitions.During the events students can develop their social skills, by getting to know other FFA members from different chapters. The FFA hopes students will develop leadership skills, personal growth, and career success through agriculture education.

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